Friday, July 19, 2013

League of Legends

First off, I'm going to say this is going to be the first of many posts I make about this game.  You'll find out why with this likely lengthy entry.

How I Got Started   

Back in 2011, I had actually been on a Minecraft server with one my closer friends at the time, Corvias.  He was a cheeky fellow, and we'd honestly formed what I would consider one of the strangest friendships I've had to date.  We understood each other in a way no one really could understand from the outside, but I guess that's for a later entry.

None the less, he disappeared off of the server we were playing on to go play this game called 'League of Legends' with some friends who were pestering him to do so. We remained talking in our little group on skype though, and listening to him talking to his teammates about the game, I got really intrigued.  I honestly thought the name of the game sounded stupid; reminded me of 'League of Extraordinary Gentleman', a movie I found silly.  Still, when I tried pestering Corv about what was going on, what the game was, he immediately shot me down, saying I was not allowed to play because I would start raging.

Ya know how when you're a kid and your parents or older sibling tell you not to do something, and that just sounds like 'Do this now!'?  Well, I considered Corv to be like an older brother to me, and that's exactly how I heard it.  I visited the League of Legends website promptly, downloaded the game, and jumped right into the tutorial match, much to Corv's pseudo-dismay.

My Champions  

As many people did, I started out by maining Ashe to start.  A female archer that's a bad-ass ruler?  Hell yeah, I wanted to play her all the damn time.   I had to compete to get her a lot in the starter games I played, considering I wasn't the only one in that boat, which eventually pushed me into other ADC's, Sivir being one of my frequently played ladies I remember.

After that, once I started leveling up and could actually fall into a meta that didn't put me mid lane every game, I discovered and sank into the support position.  As the American meta moved to having an ADC/Support bot lane combination in most games, I picked up characters like Soraka and Sona, mostly ranged casters that maintained some healing ability.  I actually remember when Soraka was OP with her insane global heal on a low cooldown, and her ability to give herself mana.

Eventually, I wanted to branch into these other crazy positions I'd been hearing about.  Corvias was an amazing jungle Shyvana.  He just dominated games with her, and I honestly loved the character.  A sexy, yet not too revealing half dragon that managed to scare the shit out of me when I first had a dragon land on my head?  My god, I wanted to play her so bad.  Problem was, I was a really passive player.  I was scared of being aggressive, scared of dying, and literally played no melee champs.

Still, I bought Shyvana on a whim, being my first big 6300 IP purchase, and begged Corvias to teach me how to play her.  In result, I got pulled into a 1v1 with him, same runes, same masteries, same summoners, and he forced me to be aggressive.  Showed me a few combos, showed me how her abilities worked, and eventually, even if he may have let me, I brought him down with my Shyvana.  That character was my breakthrough into the more aggressive playstyle I like to use now.

Currently, I can play every position on the map well enough to be able to be placed in any position, to fill in as I love to do.  I'm a team player, the long and short of it.  I prefer ADC, Support, and Mid equally right now, then Jungle, then Top.  I use to love being in the jungle, but once Season 3 came about and the huge changes hit the jungle, Shyvana pretty much couldn't be used there anymore, and my lack of other characters for the role pushed me away from the position.  Even after getting a slew of new champions for roaming about the jungle, I still don't enjoy it too much.

As for top, I just have never been a huge hit there.  My champion roster up there is really odd and limited, so I am probably one of the few League players who don't enjoy getting the position in a team.

Here's a breakdown of my current 3 favorite Champions in each of the current positions of the American meta:

Mid: Lissandra, Annie, Ahri
Top: Zac, Vi, Kayle
Jungle: Kayle, Sejuani, Evelynn
ADC: Vayne, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune
Support: Sona, Lulu, Janna

God, it was hard to decide my current favorite three for ADC and Support, because I play a lot of ADCs and am in the process of learning some new ones, while I play a ton of supports, some normal and some not so normal (Mao support all day 'ere day).

My Skins   

I love skins, I really really REALLY love skins.  I buy them in a semi-compulsive nature.  To be honest, I just love to have my characters being pretty.  I love going into a game with proof of how much I love the character I'm playing by how nice they look.  This is a list of the skins I own, most of which were bought on sale unless I was just too much in love with them to wait, or gifted to me through the gifting system or RP purchased for me as a gift.

If I own multiple skins for one character, I'll color the skin I like the most. c:
This is for my favorites.
This is if I had a hard time deciding and chose a very close second.

Dynasty Ahri
Midnight Ahri
Firefox Ahri

Unchained Alistar

Pharaoh Amumu
Sad Robot Amumu

Red Riding Annie
Frostfire Annie
Panda Annie

Freljord Ashe
Sherwood Forest Ashe
Woad Ashe
Queen Ashe
Amethyst Ashe

Resistance Caitlyn
Sheriff Caitlyn
Safari Caitlyn
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn

Desperada Cassiopeia

Masquerade Evelynn
Tango Evenlynn

Fiddle Me Timbers

Hextech Janna
Frost Queen Janna

Traditional Karma

Viridian Kayle
Unmasked Kayle

Sonoran Kog'Maw

Valkyrie Leona
Iron Solari Leona

Wicked Lulu
Dragon Trainer Lulu

Spellthief Lux
Imperial Lux

Coral Reef Malphite

Festive Maokai

Waterloo Miss Fortune
Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Mafia Miss Fortune

Blackthorn Morgana

Koi Nami

Leopard Nidalee
French Maid Nidalee
Pharaoh Nidalee

Gothic Orianna

Battle Bunny Riven

Ironscale Shyvana
Boneclaw Shyvana
Darkflame Shyvana
Ice Drake Shyvana

Spectacular Sivir

Muse Sona
Pentakill Sona
Guqin Sona
Arcade Sona

Dryad Soraka
Divine Soraka

Tyrant Swain

Badger Teemo
Cottontail Teemo
Panda Teemo

Riot Girl Tristana

Arclight Varus

Heartseeker Vayne

Leprechaun Veigar

Time Machine Zilean

Wildfire Zyra

Total Skins: 67

I own all the released Ashe, Ahri, and Shyvana skins, and all the available Sona skins.  I actually tried damn hard to win the cooking contest Riot held over Christmas to get the prize of the past Christmas skins, but judging ended up being absolutely horridly done, and tons of amazing entries were passed up, including my own, for people that had simply copied the example picture.  I will, for sure, participate in any contest that would give me a chance at Silent Night Sona in the future though.

However, of course, there's skins I would love to own someday, and I will silently hope for them to go on sale when I manage to nab up some more RP to buy them with!

Explorer Ezreal
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
Lion Dance Kog'Maw
Jurassic Kog'Maw
Defender Leona
Bloodstone Lissandra
Headhunter Nidalee
Grungy Nunu
Nunu Bot
Sewn Chaos Orianna
Bladecraft Orianna
Redeemed Riven
Bear Calvary Sejuani
Silent Night Sona
Celestine Soraka
Armor of the Fifth Age Taric
Bloodstone Taric
Tango Twisted Fate
Gangster Twitch
Aristocrat Vayne
Dragonslayer Vayne
Neon Strike Vi
Special Weapon Zac

Remind you, those are just for characters I play, and some are only attainable at the holiday resales or, for my dear Silent Night Sona, never attainable in the store again. ; ~;

Even though Korea, a bit back, got Silent Night Sona FOR FREE because of some server issues they were having for a period of time.

For free.


People I've Met   

To be honest, there's only really two people I find worth mentioning here that I've met and become good friends with through League of Legends.  First, and most importantly, is my best friend Grêy, or Calvin, and then through him, Foxy Eevee, or Tya.

The day that we ended up sharing Skype contact information was February 18th, 2012, and we consider that our 'friendship anniversary', Calvin and I.  Unless one of us was sick, busy with work, or lacking internet, the two of us play together daily, almost religiously so.  No matter how bad the other does, how much I seem to rage at him for doing some shit plays, or how bad our moods make the smallest mistakes seem huge, we've always persisted in our League of Legends sprouted friendship.  I would honestly consider Calvin to be my best friend, considering he is the one person I talk to the most that I don't live with, and even though I've never actually met the crazy man, we've become close enough to consider each other siblings.  

He's the older brother, I'm the younger sister, and our relationship shows it.  We talk to each other outside of League all the time.  We are eternally excited for the other when it comes to having a significant other (Calvin just found a girl, so fucking excited for him it's not even funny, about damn time, good lord).  We share things with each other that honestly can only be comfortable between siblings (Stop ganking yourself Calvin, ew).  We're very protective of each other, being that we'll smack a hoe if they start talking shit about the other, and do our best to calm the other when they get riled up because of some stupid idiots trying to trash talk in matches.  Pretty much, we love each other in a way that only siblings can. <3

On the other hand, we have Tya, a crazy little teenage Canadian who can sometimes be way too smart for his own good, which often turns into some hilarious moments and conversations.  While, when we first met, he did have the biggest crush on me, likely just because I was an older female that paid him attention, it thankfully passed as we played games together.  Sure, he will rarely play duo with me to date, almost always insisting Calvin is in the group, but I do value him greatly as a teammate.  Cause damn, that kid can play a mean mid Nidalee, or even take her top.  Like, some of the combos and spear shots he makes blow my mind still, and I've been watching him progress for over a year now.  Ocassionally, he has a bad game or two that makes me rage hardcore, but usually it's just when we're in lane together.

Or he plays jungle.  Never again.

Well, that's about all I'm going to include in this entry.  There's probably about a billion topics I could cover, like good supporting, importance of wards, my love for watching the American/EU LCS, my opinion on the asian League series, but I'll have plenty of posts to indulge my love for League of Legends.

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