Saturday, July 27, 2013

Top 5 Reasons Why I Like Supporting

You always see 'Top X Reasons Why [insertrole] Hates You', but where is the love?  Why does everyone have to be hating on everyone else?  Lets see some reasons why someone loves their role, instead of why they hate another role/their team.

1. I like to protect and save

Whether it's popping that Locket at the last second to stop a death from ignite, or arriving in lane just in time to bubble the enemy lane under our tower mid dive, the feeling of saving my ADC from certain death is an awesome one.

2. I love warding

People have actually said I have a ward fetish.  I often don't even like buying the sightstone because it's just not enough wards for me.  I like making sure my team knows where everyone is at all times, and making the map look like a Christmas tree of lights is always fun!

3. Supporting is a high skill position

You have a lot of things to be thinking about all at once.  A support worries about warding, counter-warding, enemy positioning and ally positioning, map awareness, keeping the ADC alive with their positioning/spells, and in some cases like Sona or Leona, initiating big fights.  Many supports are also relied on for keeping track of timers, both for buffs and objectives like Dragon and Baron.  You honestly have to have a high level of awareness and be pretty good at multitasking in order to be a good support.

4. I love activated items

If the game lasts for a long while, a lot of GP5 items I've bought turn into active items like Locket of the Iron Solari, Mikael's Crucible, or Twin Wraiths, all which are extremely gratifying to use when used correctly.  Spotting a team doing baron or slowing a team running with the wraiths, stopping a chunk of damage on your team with the locket, or saving your ADC from a stunlock of certain death with the crucible are all incredible feelings of accomplishment.  Only issue is when people get these items and then forget to use them.  Don't do that.

5. Most of my favorite champs are support champs

Sona, Lulu, Zyra, Janna, Leona, and Nami are some of my favorite champs, and all make the role of support work in their own way, whether it's through sustain or going all in through a bursty combo with their ADC.

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