Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Favorite Osu! Songs

Osu! is a game I recently stumbled upon while watching NA team Team Solo Mid, or TSM's solo top player Dyrus' stream.  He often will play the game between matches, considering queue times at his level are quite long, and I instantly downloaded it and started playing, considering I've been a huge fan of DDR for years now.  DDR for my mouse?  Hecks yeah.

None the less, I just wanted to point out a few of my favorite beatmaps I've managed to find so far, mostly just being the ones that I always fall back to playing simply because I find them fun.

All you have to do is click the images to be directed to the song's page on the Osu! website.

Tsugaru - DDR

Tsugaru is one of my favorite DDR songs turned into a beatmap for Osu!  When playing it on the DDR game, I was the first in my group of friends to complete the song by developing the 'horse gallop' technique that got me past the complicated main theme of the song.

Pulsefire Ezreal Log-In Theme - League of Legends

While this isn't a typical beatmap, being the Taiko drum type of beatmap instead of the classic osu! type, it's the only Taiko map I've come across and actually enjoyed playing.  Reminded me of how kick-ass the theme music was for that log-in screen, even though I personally have no urge to own Pulsefire Ezreal myself.

Fight Against Culex - Nobuo Uematsu

I personally love Super Mario RPG for the SNES.  It was an awesome game, and this was one of the most amazing songs from the game.  Apparently, as I learned after downloading the game, this theme was not only for fighting the hidden boss Culex in Super Mario RPG, but was also the regular battle theme for both Final Fantasy 2 and 4.  Learn something new everyday!

Final Fantasy IX Battle Theme - Nobuo Uematsu

God, I just love this composer in general.  Final Fantasy IX is by far my favorite Final Fantasy games, and it had so many great musical pieces that came from it.  While I've only managed to snag a few for Osu!, this is definitely my favorite thus far.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Melody - Michiko Naruko

This song is basically every song you learn on the ocarina beautifully pieced together into one fun to play song.  It's incredibly well done and very nostalgic for all Zelda players, creepy windmill dude and all!

Final Fantasy XIII Battle Theme - Masashi Hamauzu

From the moment I heard this song while playing FFXIII, I fell in love with it.  I've discovered variations on it through out my youtube exploring, and love the song to death in result.  Now, I've got it to play on Osu!, which makes it even better.

Pink Rose - DDR

Another DDR song I managed to dig up, one I quite enjoyed on the console and was happy to find on Osu!

League of Legends Dominion Song - Duncan Watt

I'll be honest that I had no idea this song was the dominion song until I found it on Osu!  I had just thought it was one of the many log in songs League had out before they really fell into the groove of having log in screens based on whatever was the latest ultimate skin or newest champion.  Still, it's pretty awesome that it's on Osu! for us to play.

A - DJ Amuro

Heavens, one of my absolute favorite DDR songs I've ever played.  I played this one for hours, and worked my fingers to the bone learning the hardest difficulty on the remote controller, considering my feet had no chance of ever moving that fast.  So flippin' happy to find it on Osu!

And that's all the songs I find worth mentioning!  I have quite a few others downloaded, but the songs I've listed, as said, are the ones I always fall back on when I'm bored and looking for a beatmap to play that I know I'll enjoy and have a fun time completing.

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