Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Making Friends on League

To be completely honest, I'm a pretty anti-social introvert.  I don't care much for actually talking to people, and am completely content just sitting in the same room as my boyfriend.  Pretty much, I crave human interaction, but usually not a very direct fashion.

In result, I think the friends that I have made through League are the best kind of friends, considering I'm very selective on who I deem a 'friend'.  No excessive cursing, no excessive raging, and they can't be a complete bore when talking about anything that isn't League related.  Pretty much the friendlier, considerate part of League are the people I care to interact with beyond one game.

As mentioned back in my original League of Legends post, I actually have made one of my best friends through the game.

But Tal, there's so many toxic players in the community!

Trust me, I won't disagree with you there.  It seems like every other game you get one of the many types of toxic players, whether it's the quitter, rager, spammer, rude commenter, all chatter, etc.  That's why, when you do manage to pull a friend out of this group, it's like finding a gem among coal chunks.  You may have had to jump into a few volcanoes and swim across a few oceans it seems, but in the end, it's all worth it when you find them.

Sometimes, those gems end up being diamonds, like my best friend Calvin.  Met him a year and a half ago through some games we played with a group, and we ended up chatting and playing many more games together.  Now, that year and a half later, we play together on almost a daily basis, and more recently have felt prone to gifting apparently, no matter how much the other thinks they shouldn't.

None the less, check out the awesome mouse pad that was made and sent to me, by my best friend who I found through League!

I currently have a custom made set of prayer beads I've had made for him for a year, but between misplacing them, then finding them only to be dead broke and unable to send the beads, my return gift is gonna be coming hopefully sooner than later!

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